

I downloaded an app to my smart phone, which is a simple paint program. I use it to jot down ideas that I can’t put into words, and capture images that are in my head whenever and wherever I am. Because it’s all digital, when I’m at my computer, I transfer the file and work on it with my proper tablet and Photoshop. This saves going through the scanning process, which isn’t too bad, but my printer doesn’t like my computer at random times. This also means I don’t need to carry pens and a range of pencils, a sharpener, an eraser and a blending stump (my basic travel art kit.) I did find a stylus, which works with any smart phone touch surface, that is nice, because I don’t lose the pen-in-hand feeling that I love when drawing. Even when I’m nervous holding something like a pencil in my hand is helpful. Perhaps, because I’ve always seen art as a way to have control over something when you feel you don’t have control over anything else. You control where the line goes, what the figures are doing, or what they look like. It may be small, but for me, it’s been a coping mechanism at times.
I thought recently about drawing digistamps for people to use and perhaps buy. My partner was concerned that once one person buys it, they will discard the terms of use and distribute the file openly, without me having any way to prevent this. He does have a point, but I thought about it, and piracy doesn’t stop artists creating music. There is rarely reward without risk. Perhaps by trusting people, they might not abuse your business. Besides, what are the chances they’ll copy a no name artist, line art image created for card making. I’m not looking to charge a lot for them. In fact, I thought of digistamps so I could keep cost low, without materials to buy and use.
Just another hurdle in the journey of artisthood.



Eventful day. With a headache and company, I didn’t get a lot done.
At the end of the day, I tried making chain mail to no success. My brain couldn’t process which way the links needed to go, so I gave that up for some crocheting. I attempted a grid that I thought I could thread ribbon through for a bracelet, then I tried a cupcake stitch that I saw on Pinterest. Doesn’t look as yummy as the picture, but I thought it’d make a cute edging on a baby blanket.
There was an incident involving my kiddens (pretty sure I know which one) and some ribbon. The end result means I need to keep my ribbon box higher up, and put away better…*sigh*



Today I decided that I wanted to try something using crochet, friendship bracelet thread and metal. I was looking through my findings box, looking for a plain ring, when I found a blank chain bracelet, with clasps attached, and that fits my wrist. Another point that drew me to this was that the crochet hook fit through the links easily. I think I made the connection easily because crochet begins with a chain stitch, so why not with chain. I’m sure I’ve seen this technique done on Pinterest at some point, but can’t remember exactly.
I used a treble 1, chain 1 combo in each space for two rows, then flipped it over, and repeated in the other colour. I was thinking this would make a nice lace cuff bracelet, but if I’d made it any longer, I’d have to think about extra clasps or ribbons to keep the ends together.
I’m quite liking the mix of metal and cotton. I suppose I have so many types of craft supplies, it would seem only natural to try and mix them occasionally. That’s how new techniques are created, and craft turns into art.



So, the other day, my partner bought himself two lanyards, so that he wouldn’t lose his work pass… Again. On the were little mobile phone holding loops, which he didn’t want. I took them off and was wearing one as a ring, which I thought looked rather cool, but it sparked the idea of using it as a finger loop on fingerless gloves. I’ve seen some lovely beaded ones, or ones with wire that are more jewelry than practical, and with winter coming up, and my crochet supplies out, this seemed the most logical.
I am capable at crochet and can follow basic patterns, and Its easier to create shapes without a pattern than it is with knitting. The problem I have now is that I want to make the other side. It should be simple enough to see what I did, but I probably should have written it down, or counted chains as I went, but I was in the moment and forgot. In highschool, I wore a single arm warmer that I had made, leaving the other hand for a cool band bracelet. I don’t think that would work with this, as one of my wrists would get cold, so I had better make another one.
I used crochet cotton for this, as any kind of yarn makes me itchy. It’s rather thick, but I’m not sure what number, as the label was lost years ago. I think I used a 3.5mm hook. I wanted it to work up quickly so I wouldn’t get bored and give up, and it gave it a nice lacy look, I think.

Day #91


This is technically from yesterday and today, bit I had a BBQ yesterday and went straight to bed when we got home. So made some progress on my amigurumi. It’s a little skinnier than the pattern I’m using from http://abbygurumi.tumblr.com but its still cute.
I had a massive case of insomnia the other night, and went crazy looking on pinterest for bow ideas. There was some awesome ones bases off of Disney princesses and ladybugs and all sorts. I tried a couple using what I had and using my own artistic licence. The black and white one is based on Venom from Spiderman. The original had a spiderweb pattern, but he only has them in the movies, not the comics, so I left that out.
The gingham and ruby red is based off no other than Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. The blue is slightly darker than intended but I think it still looks nice. I know I have the right ribbon somewhere, but my craft room is still a mess.
I want to make some Dr Who scarves, which seems easy with the simple garter stitch, but I’m not one for big projects. Also considering how many of my friends are Dr Who fans, they all may want one. :/

Day #90


Its a ball! Its supposed to be a head, but at least I finally managed to make a nice round shape. Shows what happens when I follow a pattern!
I found this awesomely cute wool (I’m a sucker for variegated wool) and needed to make something with it. I started a scarf, but got bored quickly so its a bookmark or something…I put if on my cat as a saddle. She was not as amused as I was.
So I began an arigurumi- cute crochet creature. I did put the face on but it looks a bit weird. I’ve never been good at satin stitching noses, and it doesn’t look very happy. I might have to make the rest before it looks adorable. Even adding some ears may help. I’m not great at crochet, I much prefer knitting, but it’s harder on my hands. 😦
At least it’ll be winter soon, so I can get out my blanket projects to work on :D.

Day #81


Practicing calligraphy and crochet. This covers today and yesterday. Craft fairs always spark my creative drive a little, and I’ve been thinking about doing calligraphy sayings and artworks for a while now. I did a course a few years ago on calligraphy, which was fun, and I only used my calligraphy on cards since then, but I did like the assessment pieces that we created. I think they would be great for gifts and selling. Also, it would only take a little while a day to practice to better my skills. Lets hope I can stick to this one for a bit :/

Gotta go, my cat is cleaning herself on my chest, making it hard to write 😛

Day #79


Another cat toy with the same tools as yesterday! This one was based off a bookmark pattern my mum taught me.
It’s a worm.
Usually they would have googly eyes, but not for the cat toy.
I went to a craft market today which apparently happens regularly across the road from where we moved to- how awesome is that?!
I took my boyfriend along, and he knows I’m shy about talking to people, or buying things, so he was pushing me to buying some things, so I brought a knitted teddy, which the funds went to charity for muscular dystrophy, a pencil sharpener, a sewing kit and a glue pen. He also asked on my behalf about setting up a stall :/
I’ve been meaning to make things to sell for a while now, and keep making excuses. Also, if you’ve been following me, I have a different interest every day, and get bored if I have to make more than one. Probably why I’ve never knitted a jumper- it’d look weird with one sleeve and no back 😛
I thought I could base my stall on small items, or one of a kind. Maybe even the same things decorated completely different.
A few of my friends also said they’d wear shirts with my art on it. So many possibilities, so little time. Well, enough time, managed poorly.

First step would be to start on my craft room :D… tomorrow…maybe.

Day #78


It’s a……. ball?
My cats really love a ball I made out of felt, so I wanted to make them another one. Everything is hectic from moving house, and I couldn’t get to my felt. I was going to make one out of fabric but it might fray too much. Then I decided to crochet something, since I had access to my wool. Then I couldn’t find my crochet hooks… I found one attached to a project and decided to use that. Next to find a pattern… nahhh.
I knew how to increase and decrease on a very basic level, so I began forming a shape. The cats won’t know what a sphere is.
I got near the end, a good time to stuff… if I knew where my stuffing was stashed. After a bit of consideration, I came up with cutting up sturdy plastic bags and stuffing it. It makes a crinkly noise, so I crudely shut the end and added a tail for added funness.

Hope they like it 😛