
These are a few of my favourite things.

This piece was highly enjoyable to draw, as it was nice to thing of my favourite things and was a nice break from all the annoying things that happened this week.

Both my phone and my computer decided to have issues on the same night. This means any art that I have made on either one has the chance of being lost forever (unless I’ve posted it on here). Over the last four years, that’s a lot of pieces. What’s even worse is that I had been planning to transfer all my important pieces to cloud storage recently, and it was all a matter of putting it into a certain folder on my computer. So very frustrating. Luckily I had a spare phone so I can still post here, and I’m still creating to keep busy.

Playing around with watercolours while without my computer. Kind of a cubist jumble of colour. An exercise in straight lines and watering down the colour so it faded into the paper.

I had a very in depth discussion today about my art and whether it’s good enough to sell. I’m feeling pretty good about it now, but lacking access to my digital art tools, I decided to try some ideas on small pieces of card. This picture was produced as a result. When I finished, I noticed she looks a lot like my Raspberry Sheep avatar version of me, and would look great on a business card. Unfortunately, I am going to an event tomorrow which they would be useful at, but it’s far too late to make them up now. If only I had thought of it earlier.

I guess this is a lesson about planning ahead and backing up files.


Things did not go to plan.

But that didn’t stop me from drawing!

I’m really loving the way this picture is looking, mainly because it’s a collage of my favourite things. I’m trying not to look at pictures to influence the way things look and avoiding all copyrighted objects.

The only thing I didn’t draw was the little game controller that my boyfriend drew for me.

The paper I’m using is the same Reeves A5 watercolour paper I’ve used over the last couple of days, and I outlined in a Copic multiliner, which is waterproof, allowing me to use watercolours, once I’ve finished drawing.

I think I’ve got the doodling bug.


Today we have another original piece by me. I had drawn this in pencil in my sketchbook a while ago, and forgot all about it until I was looking through it for ideas and something to draw. I recreated the picture on my new watercolour paper and worked on her today. There are still some things that need finishing, like the rim where her hair line would be. 

Trying to get some shadows and contrast is difficult when only using watercolours, as they are transparent and building up dark colours are tricky. No matter how tempting it has been to use coloured pencils or pens to define edges, I have resisted, knowing that this is a challenge I should overcome. I believe this is a great way to grow as an artist and a person.

Hopefully if everything goes to plan, I will be able to travel into the city and visit my favourite art shop tomorrow. I’ll let you know if I do.

Challenge yourself, my loverlies.


More watercolouring today. I had an image in my mind of a pretty girl surrounded with flowers. Absolutely nothing like this one, but I like this, despite that. Perhaps I’ll try again at drawing the picture in my head. The problem is, I’m not sure how it’s supposed to look, I just know it’s really pretty and slightly Nouveu.

As for this picture, I was thinking of adding some colour to the background, but after a recent picture I did, backfired when I added colour behind it, I was tentative this time. I was thinking some green behind the frangipani flowers, so the the white was outlined a bit. 

What do you think?


Even though there was a lack of stream last week, the week before proved interesting in the creativity department.

Many potatoes were to be had.

Let me know if you recognise any of these ‘taters, and see if you can name them all.

In more current news, I went shopping yesterday for the first time in a long time, especially without going to the doctors to drain all my energy first. Yay!

I bought a small packet of plastic tools for clay, a set of three waterbrushes in various sizes, and an A5 watercolour paper pad.

I was eager to try out my new supplies, so I began painting without a plan, which began as leaf shapes, expanding across the page.

When I began, I was still getting used to the flow of water in the brush, and it’s very thin, irregular shapes and densities. As I progressed, and became more familiar with the brush, I was able to regulate the flow better, making the leaves more regular, even and smaller as I gained control. I’ll have to make a similar practice for the other brushes in the packet, as they all have different flows.

Go with the flow, yo.


It has been a hell of a day, and I wasn’t able to stream tonight. Sincerest apologies to anyone who wanted to join, but I wasn’t feeling the best, so the stream wouldn’t have been too entertaining.

I spent all day waiting for the plumber to come, but he never did, so I spent some time watching YouTube, playing games and smocking.

I saw a video by Handiworks showing a smocked cushion cover. The version I saw was sped up, so I just copied based on a quick explanation. I have to watch the long version to see how to sew into a cushion, as mine is very diamond shaped still, and the smocking is larger. I just really liked the how the satin highlighted the pattern more dramatically than more matte fabrics, and I’ve been meaning to make cushions for our lounge since we bought it four years ago.

Here’s a view from the back.

I’ve had a pile of sewing projects building lately, so it’s very nearly time for the sewing machine to be brought into daylight. I’ve had to do some research regarding jersey fabric so i can resize some t-shirts, and I watched a couple of seasons of Project: Runway, which made me feel like trying some new things out. Even if I’d never be hold enough to wear them outside, but I have a huge pile of fabric not doing anything else.

No smocking beyond this point…


Hey guys! Did ya miss me? Did you notice me gone? Lol. I’ve been around, and arting, but haven’t blogged in so long.

I’ve gotten myself back into streaming on Twitch (twitch.tv/raspberrysheep tuesdays 8-10pm australian CST) and that takes a lot of energy. Here’s some fanart that I drew a couple of weeks ago​ for a locally developed game, Hollow Knight.

Turns out, he’s a ghost, not a bunny.

Last week, I drew potatoes, that were dressed up as game characters. Fun had for all…

Other than streaming, I’ve been playing a lot of my favourite game series, Final Fantasy, and drawing in my grey toned sketchbook. This lead me to this fanart of a chocobo.

I copied him from the Final Fantasy VII official concept art, but did most of the shading without looking. When I was little, I would make little paper chocobos out of construction paper and tape, in all different colours and sizes. They were mainly boxes with triangles taped to them, but they were fun to make. 

Good games often make me want to create arts and crafts for them, which means I only get to play in short bursts, as the urge to create gets overwhelming. I guess this is how fan art came to be.

Stay cool, guys.