Day #63


Kitty contact! Back to school sales are on, and I found this during my food shopping. The black part is flocked, so it feels nice and velvety. I covered a couple of books. It’s been years since I’ve covered books, so they were a bit crooked, but luckily the design hides any bubbles and only looks wonky on the inside.
I began work on a card for my friends 21st birthday coming up soon. She likes girly things, and also the game the sims. So I drew this (for those of you that don’t know its an iconic part of the game. Green diamonds means your sims are happy, fed, rested and been to the toilet.)

I know its wonky, but it was free hand, and I was always planning to cut it out. I thought pink, green and purple with a neutral of black may be a colour scheme to work with. Maybe even a gate folding card with the edge of the diamond as the opening. I was really at a loss with this one, as I usually get an idea when I start thinking of the person, but I wanted to make the 21st a bit special. I think it needs more thought.

Day #62


Lookies what my boyfriend brought me! 😀 so nice.. and rather out of character, considering he usually complains I have too much stuff. He has a good art mind, but no desire to create, so he passes his ideas to me. He suggested I use the wooden shapes as stamps, so I’m thinking of ways to seal the wood to make it fairly non porous so it actually prints some ink instead of absorbing it all. It may be as easy as coating it in pva glue, but I’ll do some research.
I’m not sure how I’m going to design the bear yet. He’s really cute, and I want to plan something to suit him.

The company name is Suck UK. Which is a rather unfortunate name.

Day #61

Ugh. Headaches- the arch nemesis of creativity. I’ll riffle up some old pics to keep you entertained.

I absolutely love this piece above, but I couldn’t finish it for two reasons. One, the colour wasnt staying on the beads. I know they were plastic, but they looked beautiful. I was going to experiment with coating the beads with clear nail polish after its strung but I wasn’t sure it’d keep any flexibility. Secondly, I had to match the gold of the ending to a chain and finding. I kept forgetting to take it and I couldn’t match it. So I kinda gave up. But I would like to recreate, and finish it, one day.

Here’s my girafasaurus. Not quite girrafe, not quite a saurus. It was meant to be a giraffe, but it was a toy for a baby, so she’ll never know. I know the eye bled, but I was paranoid about sewing eyes on. I know you shouldn’t use buttons, and I couldn’t be bothered embroidering them on…

This is a coin purse I made when I realised I had too many coins at the bottom of my handbag. I used it once before I realised I couldn’t be bothered putting change in a purse, and reverted to the loose-change-in-handbag system…

Day #60


Just drawin’ today. Long day so kicked back with some drawing. I was playing with a cord that was laying around, and wrapping it around my finger.

I thought it looked rather cool, but had in mind those images that have skulls and girls like a tshirt design or tattoo. I know it didn’t end up anything like that, but I like it. I’m not finished, as I’d like to complete the shading on the cables. The tricky part of this drawing was keeping the thickness the same throughout. Lining up the cable when it goes behind objects needs a good eye, or some erasable guidelines. Another hard part for me was the foreshortened face. It doesn’t look natural and my brain wants to combat the shrunken features.
If you’re drawing something like cables, remember to keep a natural curve. The thinner the cord, the more it can bend, but there’s still a limit. Same goes with hair.

Day #59


So, more past work. These are some of my favorites. I might have gotten better since I drew these. One was even from High school, 8 years ago! I would like to recreate some of my older ideas, I had some great concepts, but now I may have the skills I wanted, then.

I did do a bit of creative things between naps, I began a card for my friend, but I didn’t get far enough to be exciting on the internets. I have three cards to make for birthdays coming soon, so I have a bit of work to do, amongst homework.

Day #58


I started colouring this in. Taking my time. Being lazy.
My boyfriend asked me to make a banner for his Facebook fan page about Android phones, which he wanted an android on steroids, so I get out my tablet and laptop, almost finish refining lines and go to save. *pop* its gone. I was livid. I look for the file it’s not there in files. It’s name is in recent but it won’t open, and properties says 0 bytes. Ugh.

So I get out my paper and pencil and try again.

Least I have a copy of it now 😦

I discovered a thing, today. A blog called color collective.
It’s a site that shows colour schemes from pictures.
Alternatively, you can download colorcop (free) and make your own. I might make some up soon.

Day #57


Today I saw a colouring tutorial on YouTube, and decided I needed to go back to basics. I got out my coloured pencils and my Disney colouring book and tried out this technique. As someone who loves art, colouring isn’t my best skill set. Not that I’m bad in particular. I need some practice. So thats what I did. This pic took a few hours. I didn’t speed through it like I normally do. I added thin layers and built up colours. I blended colours and really looked how I’d make the colour I wanted with the pencils I had, instead of settling with the pure pencil tone. One tip the video had was to use vibrant colours but to barely touch the paper with them, building them up very gently. For the skin colour, was mainly actually a terracotta and crimson lake (I used Derwent Studio pencils in 24 pack.)
This was a good exercise, and might even trust myself to colour in my favourite Princess, Ariel.

Day #56


Played around with some beads. I didn’t use a pattern, since with the circles I’ve figured out the 3-5 rule. To keep a flat circle going, I do a round of five bead loops and then a row of three bead loops. These started with 8 bead centres but it can be as big as you want as long as its even.
Beading tutorials are hard to follow, especially without pictures so I tend to create my own stuff. Unfortunately I’m not great at explaining things either, so I’ll just show you my pretties… maybe one day I’ll make a tutorial.

Day #55


Felt like looming some beads… I started with a three bead wide chevron but used pink thread (through laziness) so I decided to “reinforce” and add more beads to cover the sides. I like it. Too short for a bracelet… might be able to attach to some nice velvet ribbon for a choker… maybe.
